Showing posts with label As if paying down your student loans isn’t great enough. Show all posts
Showing posts with label As if paying down your student loans isn’t great enough. Show all posts

Saturday, December 21, 2019

As if paying down your student loans isn’t great enough,

As if paying down your student loans isn’t great enough, you can also help people while doing it. Organizations such as AmeriCorps, VISTA (Volunteers In Service To America), Peace Corps, Teach for America, and National Health Service Corps all offer some type of student loan forgiveness or reimbursements for your dedicated service.

New to the volunteer scene are Zerobound and SponsorChange. Both these organizations connect organizations in need of volunteers in exchange for money towards your student loan debts. Just like careers that offer loan forgiveness, there’s plenty of stipulations to earn this. Depending the program, only certain loans may qualify. As with any loan forgiveness, be sure to fully understand what’s required of you.Big Boss vote

As if paying down your student loans isn’t great enough,

As if paying down your student loans isn’t great enough, you can also help people while doing it. Organizations such as AmeriCorps, VISTA (...